Explore new Hyper-V 3 networking features

As you may know, Hyper-V 3 includes a lot of new networking capabilities.  Here, I’m going to discuss a few of the new features you’ll find in virtual machine configurations in Hyper-V 3.

When you open up the properties of a virtual machine, there are multiple sub-property pages you can choose.  They are both shown below:


The Hardware Acceleration properties page


The Advanced Features properties page

Virtual Machine Queue (VMQ)

VMQ is a feature which, when enabled, creates a dedicated queue on a host’s physical network adapter for each virtual network adapter that has requested a queue.  VMQ can reduce processing overhead in packet routing and make the networking process more efficient.  VMQ is most useful for virtual machines that have a heavy network workload.  Since they should be considered a scarce resource, you shouldn’t enable VMQ for every virtual machine.

IPsec Task Offload

When a network adapter supports the feature, IPsec task offload can reduce some of the processor performance hit associated with IPsec encryption algorithms.  This can improve overall server scalability.

Single-Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV)

SR-IOV allows the system to partition PCIe-based hardware resources into virtual interfaces.  In short, a single PCIe device can be made to appear as multiple devices.  I’ll provide more information about SR-IOV in a future post.

DHCP Guard

Allows administrators to protect Hyper-V virtual machines from rogue DHCP servers.

Router Guard

Allows administrators to protect Hyper-V virtual machines from rogue router advertisements.

Monitor Port

Enhance troubleshooting by monitoring the network traffic than enters and exits a virtual machine.

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