Search Results for: network protocol

Network Protocols for Your Business

Network Protocols for Your Business

Learn about the different protocols that dictate how data gets passed in your network. Find out about the different types of network protocols and discover how you can choose the best combination of protocols for your business.

Forefront TMG 2010 Network Inspection System and Custom Protocols

Richard Hick’s does a great job in this article on how the Network Inspection System works together with customer protocols you create on the TMG firewall. Check it out at: HTH, Deb DEBRA LITTLEJOHN SHINDERMVP (Enterprise Security)“MS SECURITY”[email protected]

What Is the Network Layer and How Can You Protect It from Cyberattacks?

What Is the Network Layer and How Can You Protect It from Cyberattacks?

In this article, you’ll learn what the network layer is, also known as Layer 3, in the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. Understanding this layer in context with the OSI model and the currently adopted Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) model can help you better protect your network. This article will also go through the top 5 ways you can protect your business using the OSI model as a basis to understand how network security tools work.

An Introductory Guide to the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)

An Introductory Guide to the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)

When you set up a VPN on a router, firewall, operating system (OS), or security solution, it’ll ask you to choose a VPN protocol. Some of these protocols are fairly new. Others are decades old. One of these ancient VPN protocols is the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol, or PPTP for short. This post looks closely at PPTP, one of the fastest and oldest VPN protocols. We’ll talk about what it is, how it works, its benefits, its disadvantages, and more.

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