Docker Enterprise 3.0 introduces new tools for container-based applications

Docker recently announced the latest version of Docker Enterprise — Docker Enterprise 3.0. This new version lets developers quickly build multiservice applications that are container-based right on their desktop and then share them in a standardized format that can run in basically any environment.

Currently in public beta, Docker Enterprise 3.0 includes a few new capabilities that will likely be of interest to developers, particularly those aimed at speeding up the application building and delivery process. Here’s a rundown of the features.

Docker Desktop Enterprise

Docker Desktop Enterprise is lets developers access the Docker Enterprise Platform right on their desktop. In Docker Enterprise 3.0, this platform includes a new Application Designer interface with template-based workflows, configurable version packs, and a centrally managed platform for easy management.

Docker Application

Docker Application is a new set of tools that gives developers the ability to manage and scale complex applications. Tools include the Docker Application Template, Docker Assemble, and CNAB, which is an open standard that is based on collaboration between Docker, Microsoft, Bitnami, HashiCorp, and CodeFresh.

Docker Kubernetes Service

Docker Kubernetes Service is the platform’s solution for integrating Kubernetes from the developer desktop to production servers. The consistent platform includes the latest release of Kubernetes and full support for Container Storage Interface.

Automatic container deployment

It also includes new lifecycle automation tools to help you accelerate and expand container deployment on your choice of infrastructure. More specifically, it includes transparent cluster upgrades that let you control your infra software lifecycle and reduce application impact by applying blue-green upgrades to your container infrastructure. There’s also Docker Cluster, which automates and simplifies cluster deployment.

Improved security

Finally, Docker Enterprise 3.0 also includes security enhancements, designed to help you expand the set of applications to be addressed while still keeping all of your data and resources secure. These upgrades include Group Managed Service Accounts for Swarm and PKI Certificate-Based Authentication.

Photo credit: Freerange Stock

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