
Configuring VPN Access in a Back to Back ISA Server Environment

VPNs have been a topic of growing interest for the last couple years. However, since the tragic events in New York City in September of 2001, the subject has become red-hot. Why? Business and network managers now have a greater awareness that the weakest link in any design, whether it be a network or a business, is too high a level of centralization. Distributed systems are highly fault tolerant and difficult to bring down, while centralized systems can be brought to their knees with a single blow.

Port Scanning ISA Server

When I wrote my series on how to secure your ISA Server installation, I had it in mind that ISA Server administrators could use the information to confirm whether or not their ISA Server installations we’re secure. We got some good feedback on the series, but you wanted more! Specifically, you wanted to know how you could test (via port scanning tools) what ports and services were visible and available on the external interface of the ISA server.

Configuring Gateway to Gateway L2TP/IPSec VPNs Part 1: Configuring the Infrastructure

Configuring a gateway to gateway VPN is easy using ISA Server. The reason why it’s so easy is that the Local and Remote VPN Wizards make the setup a virtual no-brainer. Well, it’s a no-brainer when you’re configuring PPTP VPN gateways. But if you’re in the market for a high security L2TP/IPSec gateway to gateway VPN, you probably have either been trying to avoid it like the plague or you are pulling your hair out trying to figure out how to make it work!

Configuring authentication methods for ISA

It is important to have some sort of authentication method when using clients to access a resource through ISA, not doing so could result in unauthorized access to resources in or outside of your network. ISA has various methods of authenticating clients, I have discussed this in a previous tutorial (Understanding ISA’s different Authentication types). I will tutor you on how to configure various authentication types best suited for your ISA server. While showing you in five easy steps, how to configure the various authentication types, I will not go into too much detail on each authentication type. For more comprehensive on authentication types information please refer to my previous tutorial (Understanding ISA’s different Authentication types).

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