Azure CDN now available to help deliver high-bandwidth content

Microsoft’s Content Delivery Network is now generally available, the company announced at its recent Ignite event. Azure CDN essentially gives Azure users a way to deliver high-bandwidth content from Microsoft’s global CDN network. It’s a native option that is offered in conjunction with those from third parties like Verizon and Akamai.

Originally unveiled in May of this year, the tool is now ready for use with fully SLAs and offers more advanced features and locations than before. Here’s what you need to know about the new offering.

What is Azure CDN?

In its most basic form, the Azure CDN platform lets you distribute videos, websites, files, or HTTP content to others around the world. It runs at the Edge of Microsoft’s Global Network and provides direct and private access to Azure content from each CDN Edge point of presence. It is made to cut load times and latency, integrates with media workflows, and enables quick and localized downloads for large files like software updates.

Azure’s multi-CDN ecosystem lets you treat CDN as you would any other Azure resource. It offers flexibility and three strong CDN infrastructures, including those from Verizon and Akamai. You can use those different solutions independently or together as part of a multi-CDN solution. You can even tier them to improve reliability and optimize the delivery to suit your organization’s specific needs.

Features of Azure CDN

CDN is specifically built to work with other Azure services seamlessly, so you can easily integrate it with Web Apps, Media Services, and Storage. You also have access to Azure APIs so developers can build applications and optimize features easily. The tool also comes with robust security and advanced analytics to help your organization analyze its data but keep all resources safe from outside parties.

CDN is now available for all interested organizations. You can take a tour or sign up right on Microsoft’s website.

Featured image: Freerange Stock

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